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NEW BBC One Daytime Show, Wanted: Simple Life

The BBC have commissioned a brand new BBOne daytime show with Chris Bavin, Wanted: Simple Life.


Chris Bavin gives families at breaking point the chance to road-test a new way of life, swapping the urban rat race for some of the most beautiful and remote parts of the UK, they’ll get to sample a fantasy version of the life they think they want - as well as the stark realities of what a move might entail.

Across the week they’ll discover the landscapes and lifestyle that could be on their doorstep if they make the move. But they’ll also be shown the true cost of upping sticks - from the emotional fallout of leaving friends and family to the practicalities of work and life away from city conveniences. And of course, the all-important question of whether they can even afford it.

Wanted: Simple Life starts Monday 1st February on BBC One at 11am.

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